Page name: aki's poetry [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-20 17:46:19
Last author: Aki Neko
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ok.these are just some of the random crap that flows into my head:

fantasy test

i want you two to lean on eachother
so we can see how really close you are
so we may take the test
is this all a dream or are we really alive?
i dont know but if we arent real,
i want to live the fantasy life to be close to you
i wanna bury my head in your chest
and get lost in the sands of time

concrete block(still working on it)
the game aint over till your under six feet
with your name ingraved into a block of concrete
when the groung is hard as rock
andyour voice dosnt talk

i love rock, but i tried a rap.and im still working on it soooo:
thats all you hear around this town
that everyone's lives are upside-downmy mom and dad fight
my rooms too clean
i dont understand what you mean
well, that isnt all you hear
theres guns and sirens around all year
f-i-g-h-t thats the sound of people to me
well, when you walk aroung
around this black and red tow
red is the blood
and black is the guns
this is as bad as the romans and huns
i dont get what you mean
when you say that your green
with envy
cuz what is there
to get all jealous about?
every 3 weeks
your grandma gos to the hospital
your dad yells at ya
he gets your mom on ya
as it all bottels in ya
well, what are you going to do?

A girls "I love you" and how to love her back.

when a girl says "i love you" she means it
if you cant return that love, and dont tell her imidiently
youll hurt her more than youll ever know
if you dont care for her at all
dont even talk to her
when she gets confussed
tell her what you mean
if she crys
hold her tight
if she struggles
hold her tighter
if she screams
dont let go
if she kisses you
kiss her back
if you still dont understand how she feels
don't bother trying
if you do
never let her go
if she says "i love you"again
say it back
youll make her the happiest girl in the world
said from someone who has
never had her first kiss
never had a boyfriend
never been in this situation
has fallen in love
knows what it feels like
knows what it feels like to be turned on(against)
knows how it feels to be broken
and wants to be loved back
if you have someone so special
never let them go
but let them be free

the ways of demons:(sorry, whoever came up with the first line! i used it, and it helped alot!)

i like walking in the rain
so no one sees me crying
i like sitting in the dark
so no one sees me dying
i love the smell of blood
for it covers up my own
i love the color red
since it reminds me to atone
i hate humans
since they hate us
but what they dont get
is that its all just a must
since we dont understand
that we love the color silver
is thats its the color of a shiel
a shield to stray a killer

if i were in trouble
would you save me
if the crowd left me
would you do the same
would you rip my heart out
if i asked you to?
as all my old friends
turn around and leave
im left all by myself
and you cant help me
figuring out all these cramp spaces
where did they come from?
all i see
when i walk into the light
is your face
my heart is content now//
when i turn around
and see all my friends leaving
i feel my heart start to break
but you come and help me
catch all the falling peicies

as you look me in the eye
i start to tear
you look at me confused
as i tell you about my frears
and you hold me close

Ich lieb Mish.Ich leib Misch nicht.

different ways to say I love you

Ich lieb
Kimi o ai sueru
watashi ai anata
*working still*

Random quotes about...whatever...

I nightmared about you again...
I can smile, sure, but that dosnt mean im not dying inside...

10 things THE perfect guy would do:
1)Someone who will be there when you cry.......and cry with you
2)Someone who will pay for your food........even though you work at the resturant.
3)Someone who will pay for your clothes...even though you just got your paycheck
4)Someone who will look into your eyes and slowley come in for the kiss.........Although your sick
5)Someone who will always be there for you.......even though theyr on vaction a 100 miles away
6)No matter what mood your in, theyll still hug and kiss you, like it was nothing happenening...and then take you out and treat you the same way
7)If you EVER get in a fight, he'll automaticly make you feel bad by putting ALL the blame on himself.....then kiss you
8)If he ever found out you were hurting your self, he'd never leave your side...As he was doing before
9)He'll say he loves you more than the world, and that hed buy it for you....even though he knows all you want is him
10)He'll say I love you......AND ACTUALLY MEAN IT

Left alone in the aftermath(Blood on the wings)

With all the "gunfire" going on, and me missing the last shot....
I listen to the aftermath
until I get lost

I walk through these open streets
My friends bodies on the floor
some bearly breathing
some nothing more

As some pull me this way
the other pull me that
I dont know where to go
who to follow after that

I try my hardest
even though I mostly fail
but when you all try to point out different directions
all I can do is flail
My arms about

After I look back again
and see all the decest
I see your standing there
somewhere in the east

All of it
none of it
which one do I pick?
all of it will bring me down
but then none of it will stick

Then I look again and your shooting
I stand in the middle, still not knowing
which way to turn
until I get shot

But..what is this?
With no feeling?
I try to be the wall
Until I fall

What force made me fall?
theres nothing around me.
I look and see my one and only
standing there and getting shot

That should be me!
What do you thinnk your doing!?
I hear you scream!
You feel this pain!

You fall too
We both sit there
bleeding on the floor
and look around
to see nothing more

you leave
I tell you too
thank you for helping me
but now..whats left?

Nothing but blood on the wings

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2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: ............................................ YOU HAVE NO PROOF!

2007-11-06 [Xorital]: yes, lots of it xD

2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: .....says who!?!?

2007-11-06 [Xorital]: me! :P

2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: To bad!XD

2007-11-07 [shadow frost wolf]: *Bites Xor*

2007-11-07 [Aki Neko]: *Whaps Caita* NO!

2007-11-07 [Xorital]: *shoots him*

2007-11-07 [Aki Neko]: *Revives Caita again* Ok.Hes not Logan, hunnie....*Sighs* I feel like a baby-sitter.......

2007-11-10 [shadow frost wolf]: *tears Xor's arm off and eats it*

2007-11-10 [Aki Neko]: *Punches Caita in the stomach, makes him puke it out, and re-attaches it* I SAID NO GODDAMNIT!!!

2007-11-10 [shadow frost wolf]: he shot me goddamnit! DX

2007-11-10 [Aki Neko]: I REVIVED YOU!!!!>.<

2007-11-12 [shadow frost wolf]: hey, correct me if im wrong, but i coulda done worse, and he shot me twice! >.<

2007-11-12 [Aki Neko]: .....*Sniffles, goes all chibi eyed* But....Ani-sama....He special.....

2007-11-13 [shadow frost wolf]: Mew....T_T fine.....

2007-11-13 [Aki Neko]: *huggles Caita* You guys just need to try to get along.

2007-11-14 [Xorital]: *steals aki* bleh! ><

2007-11-14 [Aki Neko]: No! No bleh! You do!*Clings to Langdon*

2007-11-14 [Xorital]: *holds sara and is content* ^^

2007-11-14 [Aki Neko]: *laughs and kisses*

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